Books and Articles

Minnesotans and AMA District 23

Tribute to Tommy Severson

Minnesota's First Motocross Champion

Out of Minnesota - The Tom Benolin Story Revisited

Minnesota's World Motocross Champion - Donny Schmit

Remembering Donny Schmit
This is the web page that was created by Carrie and Fox Racing in Donny's memory.

Hall Members Racing Locally

This section contains over thirty race reports from District 23, circa 2002-2009. It features MN Hall of Famers ranging from veteran pros, Tom Benolkin and Lee Erickson, to young at the time Alex Martin and Henry Miller.

Supermoto comes to Minnesota

Local Supermoto race in 2006 brings out riders from a variety of disciplines.

Bob's Favorite Books about Motorcycle Racing (so far)

The MX Bob Writing Crew has been put on an indefinite furlough. The collection of Minnesota and or Motorcycle books you see below will grow no larger. They will still be available on Amazon, indefinitely from what I understand.

Pioneers of Minnesota Motocross: Donny Schmit and Tom Benolkin
Available in
Kindle, Paperback, and Hardcover

Take a ride from 1971 through 1995 as you get to know more about two incredible riders, and the icons of the sport that they raced against.
Gopher State Moto Photos: The early years of District 23 Motocross
Available in
Paperback and Kindle
A collection of photos and memories from District 23 Motocross, 1971-1977
Available in Kindle, Paperback and Hardcover

The collection of web stories known as the 'MX Bob Bike History' has been updated and transformed into a book. A fun ride that spans 40 years. The final edition answers all the rhetorical questions posed in the last few chapters.
Available in Kindle and Paperback and Hardcover

Race Stories and Musings from, 2001 thru 2010 & 2021
Supplemental Photos
About the Author