MX Bob Bike History - Intermission
Dormant Period One

Much could be written about the drought period, in which I never even threw a leg over a motorcycle. There are a few tidbits scattered throughout this web site, including the is-he-serious, "Kicking the MX Habit" (1991) the sadly detailed, "History of the RABEFL" (1993 - 2007), and the is-this-supposed-to-be-funny "Incorrect Lyrics" (1996 - 2005).

Not nearly as well documented is that I was quite active in mountain biking the whole time. Although I only raced 3 times, I rode or did some off-bike training 5-6 times a week. That help feed the cravings. A highlight for me was when I was in a race near Hayward, Wisconsin, and was on the same course as then recently retired, former Tour de France champion, Greg Lemond. To say anything that implied I was racing him would be linguistic gymnastics at a world class level. From what I understand, he did not have much experience riding off road, but would power up the hills like someone riding a motorcycle.

I was taking about 9 credits while working full time, which kept me quite busy. That’s what I thought when I wrote that last line 15 years ago, but looking at it anew in 2017, it did seem that I always found time to watch live music and or get together with friends at sports bars.

The most life-course-altering event during this time, was when I met my wife in 1992, about six months before graduating from Metro State (which came in a distant second). We got married a couple of years later and have been on this adventure of life together ever since. Every chapter going forward will have a different perspective because of it.

During this whole time, I kept renewing my AMA membership and Cycle News subscription, and would still go to the Millville National every year, and later the Metrodome Supercross, but I was convinced my racing days were over. If I couldn't come back after only two years, there was no way I could after ten years. I had accepted that my riding days were in the past and I was OK with that. There would only be 17 chapters in this moto-biography.

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Perhaps this time period could be better summarized with the T-Shirts I still had 20 years later.
Or not.