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Long before Ryan Dungey and Jeremy Martin were winning national Motocross championships, Minnesota had a rich history of producing racers who have done
well on the national stage, both at the amateur level and professionally. This book is a
collection of Race Reports and Stories based on web pages
appeared on MXBob.com, a Minnesota-born website that originally served amateur competitors from District 23.
The original version of the book contained stories that were first posted from
2001 to 2010. The
Race Reports highlight Minnesotans at the national level
across many different disciplines. The chapters based on the
Musings page
include web favorites, “Old Motocross Rider’s Guide” series, “Kicking the Motocross Habit”,
“Living the Dream - Donny Schmit Wins Millville National”, and “What I learned from watching ‘Supercross the Movie’.”
This second edition adds stories from the
triumphant return of MXBob.com in 2021, now focused on Minnesota Pro riders, past and present. There’s
a look at the 2021 Supercross and US national Motocross season that’s told from a very Minnesota perspective, a story about the 2015 Millville National,
and an excerpt from “
Pioneers of Minnesota Motocross: Donny Schmit and Tom Benolkin”. The excerpt weaves together the stories of the last Trans-AMA series,
the first big pro race at Millville, and the Benolkin brothers.

Also by Josie Wolfe Publishing
Gopher State Moto Photos: The early years of District 23 Motocross
A collection of photos and memories from District 23 Motocross, 1971-1977
Pioneers of Minnesota Motocross: Donny Schmit and Tom Benolkin
Take a ride through Minnesota Motocross from 1971 through 1995, and get to know more about two incredible riders along the way.
My Life as a Motorcycle List
The web site formerly known as the 'MX Bob Bike History' has been updated and transformed into a book.
About the Author